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Stance Up
Weapon Type Blacksmith Hammer
Wielder Gunji Dojima
How to Obtain Kill Gunji Dojima
Ratio Very Rare
Identical Weapons Nozuchi Old Style
Nozuchi New Style
Life ±0
Attack -8%
Defense +23%
Dur. 3

Takefuji (竹富士, Takefuji, sometimes Taketomi-shi) is the weapon of Gunji Dojima in Way of the Samurai. Takefuji is rather difficult to translate. The first and second kanji can spell Taketomi, as in the island. The second and third kanji can spell Fuji, as in the mountain.

Move/Skill List[]

Way of the Samurai[]

Tri: Kongo (金剛) - Damage: 75. Initially Available.
???: ??? (???) - ???.
Tri: Urakongo () - Damage: 70.
→ + Tri: Ryugatotsu (龍牙突) - Damage: 100. Initially Available.
???: ??? (???) - ???.
← + Tri: Senpugiri (旋風斬り) - Damage: 100. Initially Available.
???: ??? (???) - ???.
???: ??? (???) - ???.
???: ??? (???) - ???.
???: ??? (???) - ???.
???: ??? (???) - ???.
Square, Square, Square: Rentachi (連太刀) - Damage: 10, 10, 70. Initially Available.
Square: Kaneuchi (鐘打ち) - Damage: 25. Can be followed by Rentachi. Initially Available.
Square: Sodebarai (袖ばらい) - Damage: 25. Initially Available.
Jump Square: Raiu (雷雨) - Damage: 60, Initially Available.
Jump Tri: Hisenzan (飛仙斬) - Damage: 100. Initially Available.
R1 Square: Sunakemuri (砂けむり) - Damage: 10. Initially Available.
→ + Square: Ooarashi (大嵐) - Damage: 20. Initially Available.
Jump R1 + Square: Ikazuchi (いかずち) - Damage: 20. Initially Available.